Cute Post
Cute Post is a personal project that I founded and am constantly designing and developing. It's a web app where you can meticulously design appealing Facebook posts. So far, the available tools are typography and color. Experience the app here.

The app started as Typography Lab, a typography tool without a purpose. It was then changed to Small Doc, a one-page word processor. And finally, it's a tool to design awesome Facebook posts.

In this project, I gave a lot of attention to the few yet powerful controls. I am still exploring how the menu should be laid out, and how to select which line to edit. I frequently show the app to friends and ask for feedback, and recently launched tiny $1/day Facebook campaigns to test market potential.

I wanted to encourage users to write their own text, so now I ask users to write something from the home screen. To increase engagement, users can reply to a Facebook post through a link. I'm currently working on creating a more inviting home screen.